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A Bugaboo stroller system - is it worth the money? Which model would you recommend?

08 Apr 2020


I would like to ask about Bugaboo stroller systems. Are they really that good, or does a parent only pay for the brand? And then, which 2in1 model would you recommend and why?

Thank you in advance.

Eli • 08 Apr 2020


Well, with the Bugaboo brand, you certainly do pay for the brand at least to some extent, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. It is so extensive because it has established itself through years as a practical, functional, and beautiful to add to that. I think that to pay extra for such a brand, known for these features, plus their stroller systems versatility getting better with every year - this all means the stroller will also have a very nice resale value. All this means, a Bugaboo stroller is actually a 'bargain' - if you have the money to buy it, and the lifestyle to fit it in.

Their models-wise, one of the best rated would actually be the Bugaboo Buffalo - but that's a discontinued model so that I would only recommend if you're in the market for a pre-loved model and have a need for an all-terrain one. My next recommendation would be for a case you plan a second child soon after the first - there's not many better double stroller systems than a Bugaboo Donkey (usable in mono- as well as duo mode).

Passing to the 'winner', the best actual model of this moment, and one of the best stroller systems overall right now would be the Bugaboo Fox - a continuation of the Buff, but lighter, handier... I would definitely recommend this one, with the underlining of two small disadvantages of this pram - the high price and not the most compact, two-piece fold. If you're ok with those two points, go for it for sure - it's not a random chance that so many moms in the world's biggest cities are using this exact pushchair model 😉

Your -very berry- Eli.

Now, this is your place to ask. I'm listening.