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An upright seat on a budget-friendly stroller (smth like a Kinderkraft Grande). Which to look at?

17 Apr 2020


I would like to ask for advice. Which brand of a stroller would you recommend so that it would be really budget-friendly (affordable), while having an upright sitting position? Something like the Kinderkraft Grande, style-wise.

Thank you for your answer.

Eli • 17 Apr 2020


Fro a more upright position in the most sitting adjustment of the backrest, it is a little more optimal to look at the strollers with a lever kind of reclining mechanism (rather than a strap). If you're searching for something around the price range and style of a Kinderkraft Grande, I would recommend getting a Lionelo Annet Tour (or, also, a Lionelo Bell).

For inspiration, I would also suggest looking at the Joie Litetrax.

Your -very berry- Eli.

Now, this is your place to ask. I'm listening.