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Do I need a double stroller OR how to make my Britax or Concord suitable for my soon-to-be-two kids?

W. • 16 Jul 2020


I need to hear another opinion. I have a Britax pram (chassis + carrycot), and then I moved to a concord pushchair. My DD is 8.5mo, and I just found out I am pregnant again. Do you think I will need a double for siblings, or with such a difference, a sibling board would be enough for the older one? Or is there something to add to my Britax B-Motion or Concord to make it suitable?

Thank you

Eli • 16 Jul 2020


You don't explicitly state what the age difference will be in the end. I am counting that it might be about 1.5, 1.75-year difference. This should be, in theory, doable even without a full-size double/tandem, BUT this is only true if your child will be used to at least some walking, runner-bike use at the time of the new sibling coming in. I cannot promise you that - but in my case, there was a 1.5y between the first and the second of my boys, and 2 years between the second and the third son. We didn't really use a double - I must say (and recommend) that for the start, a baby wrap or an ergonomic baby carrier plus a stroller/pram/pushchair were the best combo for me. We also tried the stroller sibling board, which is a nice thing, but it takes up so much of your feet space that I didn't have the patience for it (not talking about curb-popping, which is not nice at all with that)... and then we tried the Buggypod, a foldable side-seat that can be attached to the side of any of your pushchairs to be used for your older one. It will take a toll - a worse driveability, the curb popping that is harder, and also a chassis of your pushchair that is strained more than it should, so there could be damage... But for occasional needs, the Buggypod (maybe combined with the baby carrier) might be a solution for you for the first months. I recommend looking at pre-loved Buggypods, though, because if you realized it is not for you, it would be too expensive to buy new for nothing. And a used one you can still sell again and not be in such a mi us, financially.

If you still would consider a double model - and you will, if your first is still a heavy stroller user and naps or rides in it often and happily (then it's really no question), I would look at single-to-double models that you can use in single mode for one child - as well as with both children inside. I will recommend the Baby Jogger City Select, or, ideally, the City Select Lux (where you can also attach a bench for the older one, not only the seat - meaning more un and more space)... This brand is rather popular, high-quality, and functional, so you can look at second-hand ones to at least try it for not as much money...

Your -very berry- Eli.

Now, this is your place to ask. I'm listening.