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Hauck Mars stroller system - how is it? Will I be able to pass some uneven terrain with it?

17 Apr 2020


I would like to know your opinion about the Hauck Mars stroller system. If it's not too wobbly; if it will manage some uneven surfaces... and the seat, how is it? I like that it's reversible...

Thank you in advance.

Eli • 17 Apr 2020


Hauck Mars is a budget-friendly, affordable option of a stroller system, and that is how it's gonna feel. Overall, for me, the Hauck brand feels a little cheaper for me, and their models are very nice to be affordable and stylish in a very simple way, but with a little bit of a rattly ride and functionality-wise, better for less demanding parents.

I would surely not take the Mars into some harsher terrain conditions - you will tackle some unevenness in the family of occasional grass or gravel, but it's certainly not an all-terrain model. If you need something simplistic, kind of pretty/fashionable urban system without any high expectations, you'll be happy with it. If you expect more, than maybe consider something a little more expensive, or at least more robust. Also, watch out if you or your partner is very tall - the bar in the rear part could bother you if it would be so.

Seat-wise, it's an average seat unit dimensions-wise, with a nice padding and a very simple canopy - it's worth mentioning that the peek-a-boo window doesn't feature a flap to cover it. The canopy is not the biggest by far, but it's not the smallest either, which is good. Just like the while stroller system, it's kind of "good enough".

Your -very berry- Eli.

Now, this is your place to ask. I'm listening.