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Pros and cons of the Moon Jet-R stroller. Or which similarly priced stroller shall I chose?

12 Nov 2019

Can you describe the pros and cons of the Moon Jet-R stroller, please? Alternatively, which stroller with a similar price tag would you recommend?

I am looking for a stroller, which is
*lightweight and spacious enough to handle 1 to 3 years old child - even with a footmuff (during the winter).
*the forward-facing is fine, it doesn’t need to have a reversible seat
*the handlebar should be adjustable- I am quite short, and too many strollers are simply too high for me
*I don’t want a bucket-type of the seat - it needs to be a fully reclining seat with an adjustable leg rest
*a predominantly urban stroller that can handle some uneven terrain
*the price should be circa around the price of the Moon Jet-R (if it's not the best choice, that is)

Thank you.

Eli • 12 Nov 2019


Apart from the affordable price and an attractive design, the Moon Jet-R features a massive shopping basket, an adjustable handlebar and an extra-wide, spacious seat that can be reclined pretty much fully. The robust hood has a ventilation window, which, however, once extended fully, cannot be covered (so the mesh will be open, únless you shorten the canopy again). A disadvantage would also be the quite minimal suspension, therefore, harder ride, so you and the little one will feel the impact. The center of gravity is, also, not everybody’s cup of tea. Some parents find the maneuvering and lifting the stroller over a curb tricky - thus, I recommend, if you can, try the stroller (with some load in it) before purchasing it. For that kind of money, anyhow, you will get a nice stroller, especially if you are looking for a super spacious one. However, you may find the disadvantages of the Jet-R frustrating sooner rather than later - if they are an issue for you.

From the budget stroller category with a spacious seat, I want to mention the ABC Design Okini, the Petite&Mars Street (if you can get it in your country!, and maybe he Gesslein Smiloo Happy for inspiration as to what to look at.

Your -very berry- Eli.

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