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The Chicco Trio Activ3 stroller system - or a similar one. Yes or no?

19 Dec 2019

Good afternoon.

I would like to ask about your experience with the Chicco Trio Activ3 stroller/travel system. We like it a lot, but we can't find that many reviews or real feedback, so I cannot decide if it's a good option or not. Alternatively, I would appreciate, if you could recommend a system similar to the Trio Activ3.

Thank you.

Eli • 19 Dec 2019


I find the Chicco Activ3 (also available as a 3in1 stroller system Trio Activ3) being one of the best product of the Chicco brand. In my opinion, the brand is quite cheap, and not the top of the line to be honest (at least in my opinion). Thanks to the larger wheels, the Activ3 can handle an all-terrain ride. It is a three-wheeler, therefore, well maneuverable, The Activ3 is not a very heavy stroller (under 12 kg). When it comes to storage, the stroller is not the most compact after folding, and you will probably need a spacious car boot to travel with it comfortably. Overall, however, it is a great choice if you are looking for a compromise between an everyday and a sporty stroller. I quite like the Activ3, actually – also for the surprisingly safe and well-tested Group 0+ car seat.

To find some reviews, check out the Activ3 on Strollerbase - we got a few:

Just for inspiration, I would also recommend the following strollers that are kind of similar in type/use: the Baby Jogger City Elite or the more urban City Mini GT2, and also the TFK Joggster Lite Twist. Maybe even models such as the Jané Crosswalk or the Concord Wanderer / Camino (however, they are heavier and four-wheeled).

Your -very berry- Eli.

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