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The Cybex Priam VS. the Cybex e-Priam - what are the differences in the frames?

17 Jul 2020


Please, could you enlighten me and explain all the differences in the Cybex Priam and the Cybex ePriam chassis?

Thank you

Eli • 17 Jul 2020

Hi there!

The frames of the Cybex Priam and the Cybex e-Priam are very very similar, almost the same, design- and functionality-wise. The one - and I'd say the only real difference is a battery/motor-operated back of the e-Priam chassis. This extra feature helps you with pushing uphill or on harsh terrain surfaces, and also brakes/slows down downhill or with an unsecured stroller that just rolls on without being held. This means an easier pushing and much less effort in situations you do need to exercise more effort normally... but also brings in other downsides, which would be a higher weight of the chassis, the necessity of charging the battery, and also a thicker rear axle. The e-Priam is, therefore, a very attractive option for those loving high-tech stuff as well as for those fighting with terrain or hills in the surrounding areas - but the loading in the car will not be such a breeze with a heavier stroller. Both frames are, anyway, beautiful, but also very urban/stiffer - there's not as much suspension as one would maybe hope for.

Your -very berry- Eli.

Now, this is your place to ask. I'm listening.