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The HyBrid Ezyfold - an opinion on this lightweight ultracompact + comparison to the Cybex Eezy S+2

16 Jul 2020

Hey, Eli,

I would like to ask you for an opinion about the HyBrid Ezyfold compact stroller/buggy from BabyStyle. I am searching for something lightweight and compact - and I was already sure I want the Cybex Eezy S Plus 2, but this new release caught my eye. Is it even possible to compare these two? Which sports better quality, details, sturdiness..?

Thank you for any answer 😉

Eli • 16 Jul 2020

Hi there!

For me, the Cybex Eezy S+2 is, at the time, one of the best choices in the category you can make -the combination of wheels, sun canopy, the comfort of driving and space for the child... The HyBrid Ezy Fold looks good and seems handy enough, but it's not the same level in my opinion. The practicality of its features and the maneuverability are still not yet "pimped up" since it's really a newbie on the market - it's not yet optimized based on customer feedback. Not talking about those smaller wheels that you will be feeling (bigger wheels = bigger ride comfort) with it being used more often...

So it would defitnitively be the Eezy S Plus for me here!

Your -very berry- Eli.

Now, this is your place to ask. I'm listening.