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Which stroller for winter, and for a one-year-old? Greentom?

28 Sep 2019

Hello Eli,

Could you, please, recommend a stroller usable also in winter, and for a one-year-old? I wanted a Greentom, but I think it probably won't handle any snow. Price of the stroller doesn't bother me so much - I will get a second-hand one if needed; the thing is to know which models to look at. Usage would be quite standard - urban walks, and I would like it to look stylish if possible. Thank you 🙂

Eli • 29 Sep 2019


I think you and the Greentom Upp are not that bad of a match, actually. This stroller is stylish, spacious for an older child, and the wheels are big enough to conquer some (urban) snow situation. A large amount of snow will not be easy for literally any stroller or a buggy - except maybe for the big-wheeled, robust off-road ones, which are quite bulky and not at all what you would need, I'd say. In addition to Greentom, I would look at Baby Jogger City Mini GT - but, unfortunately, he's not as stylish as the Greentom, that's for sure. Harsh terrain and snow could also be handled with a Britax B-Motion Plus ( 3 or 4 - or its better, Plus version - ( 3 or 4-wheeled versions again). I'd consider a Valco Snap Trend Sport too - because of the air-filled wheels.

Your -very berry- Eli.

Now, this is your place to ask. I'm listening.