< Stroller

lucinda says:
"This stroller is worth it... it drives like a tank"
and gives the Cybex Eezy S+

This is just one of the reviews of the Cybex Eezy S+ stroller. Check for more reviews, specifications, or ask our stroller expert: Go to Cybex Eezy S+ detail
  • Weight of 7 kg
  • Weight capacity 18 kg - up until 4 years
  • Can be taken aboard a plane as a carry-on
  • Lays flat
  • Large canopy
  • Very nice suspension
  • Great even for downtown sidewalks with cobblestones
  • Bumper bar is not included

Great for riding in any terrain - walking our dogs (grass) or downtown walks on cobblestones... The front wheels are further apart (and rear ones closer), making it easier to push and more stable. It's narrow, lightweight, fits anywhere - even aboard a plane. Even under the kids' feet in the back, if the car boot is full. 😂🤣

The only drawback is - since it's like an umbrella stroller - no bumper bar included... but you can buy it extra, which I did. I don't regret it. This stroller is worth it... it drives like a tank.

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