< Stroller

atkab7 says:
"The design is great, it's not a stroller that every other mom in town has"
and gives the Easywalker Mosey+

This is just one of the reviews of the Easywalker Mosey+ stroller. Check for more reviews, specifications, or ask our stroller expert: Go to Easywalker Mosey+ detail
  • High backrest, older children can be transported with the canopy open
  • Full recline
  • Removable bumper bar
  • Easy handling
  • Fits everywhere
  • Option to have your child facing you
  • Large enough basket
  • High quality quiet wheels
  • Shorter canopy (it can be extended, but not enough for fully flattposition coverage, I didn't mind it)

Excellent stroller, I liked it very much. It is easy to control, it is easy to recline, the baby can ride in the parent-facing direction.

The wheels are good quality - the fact that it sounds like it's going to fall apart is not true at all. What stroller on a broken road can not be heard?? The canopy can be extended, this is enough for about half lying down - but for the full recline, I had a shade that I just attached to the pram when the baby was sleeping and it was fitted.

Another plus is that it can be put fully flat and fits a tall child. My 2 year old still has room to spare, so I'm fine pulling the canopy up when she's sitting :) The handle can be detached, the legs can be positioned...

Easy to fold, it's handy especially when travelling, you can fit it everywhere, even in narrow aisles of shops. The design is great, it's not a stroller that every other mom in town has.

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