< Stroller

slafci says:
"Big wheels in the back were, for the city, ok"
and gives the G-Mini Lord

This is just one of the reviews of the G-Mini Lord stroller. Check for more reviews, specifications, or ask our stroller expert: Go to G-Mini Lord detail
  • Vyzor
  • Price
  • Conversion of a carrycot into a seat in a few minutes
  • Large shopping basket
  • Adjustable handle
  • For me a short canopy
  • A little hard and little sprung
  • Thinner fabrics
  • Harder folding

I used the stroller as a second stroller in the city, since we live in a suburban area where the front wheels would not be ok really. Big wheels in the back were, for the city, ok.

Good, accessible shopping basket. Thinner fabrics on the stroller, which in winter solved a warm footmuff. Compared to my second stroller, a quite narrow carrycot. What I appreciate is the possibility of bucket style seating and the overall appearance of the stroller.

We also appreciated the positioning of the handle, which is why we chose the Lord and not the older Grand model from the same brand. We parents have a height range from 150 to 200 cm, so this was better for us.

Sometimes I had a problem with folding, but once I got it in my hand, then it was fine. I personally had a problem with the hood being too exposed - no sun visor or roof extension.

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