< Stroller

Lena says:
"I own it a second time already"
and gives the Hartan Racer GTX

This is just one of the reviews of the Hartan Racer GTX stroller. Check for more reviews, specifications, or ask our stroller expert: Go to Hartan Racer GTX detail

I own it a second time already

  • Soft suspension, good for terrain
  • Handbrake - great even for in-line skating
  • Spacious basket
  • Safety elements on the chassis, seat unit, and the carrycot as well
  • The adapters for the car seat fold down on the chassis, and you never have to remove them (they're always ready if you'd need them
  • Good-looking, practical, and spacious carrycot
  • The seat unit can be reversed and adjusted in 3 positions
  • A wide choice of colors and original accessories
  • It's a bit heavy
  • You have to remove the seat before folding the chassis

A great stroller. I own it a second time already. Before, I had the Racer GTS 2017, now the Racer GTX 2019. I bought it mainly because of the perfect, soft suspension system, but also the safety elements, the handbrake, and the space that's between the seat and the handlebar - I can put a sibling board there, and the older son can comfortably stand on it while not bothering my walking as much.

I find its suspension system the best there is. The only real competition in this department would probably be only the Britax Go Big. The handlebar adjusts in joints (rotation), which makes it better for shorter parents, in my opinion.

I've used it with the insert Falttasche carrycot - it looks great, it's spacious, and it features the practical ventilation mesh as well as a sun visor. Now we moved on to the seat unit. The GTX seat is good - I appreciate the adjustable leg rest (which is not always present, as I saw with other brands in the same price and style category). Also, the hood has this large ventilation mesh part as well as a fold-away or completely removable sun visor. There are hooks to hang up toys on the side, which is a nice touch. A rain cover in a practical bag to hang on the chassis is included. The child's bumper bar can be adjusted in multiple positions and gate-opening from both sides.

I live in the suburbs, and I use my stroller mainly for walks around. I fold it in the car only rarely, when we make a trip away from the city; otherwise, I rather use public transport.

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