< Stroller

sofiapal says:
"A superior umbrella buggy with the advantages of a pushchair"
and gives the Inglesina Trilogy

This is just one of the reviews of the Inglesina Trilogy stroller. Check for more reviews, specifications, or ask our stroller expert: Go to Inglesina Trilogy detail
  • Controllable with one hand
  • Lots of small details
  • Structurally elaborate stroller, which corresponds to the price (it is not cheap)
  • Really only for lighter babies
  • A more unstable backrest - when the baby is lying down and you want to lift him up with the backrest, you can feel that it is softer, but when it clicks in, it's ok
  • I don't like that you can either put a cosytoes or a raincoat, you can't put both on at the same time - which is wrong, after all, when it's raining outside it's also cold and you need both things

A unique stroller, a superior umbrella buggy with the advantages of a pushchair. Light and sturdy, I washed the covers about 3 times - you need to take pictures of it being put down so you don't worry about it afterwards.

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