< Stroller

A ROTH says:
"Good for loading it in the car or even carrying it from the car to the apartment"
and gives the Kinderkraft Indy

This is just one of the reviews of the Kinderkraft Indy stroller. Check for more reviews, specifications, or ask our stroller expert: Go to Kinderkraft Indy detail
  • super folding mechanism
  • maneuvering
  • light
  • belly bar
  • lie-flat seat with adjustable leg rest
  • crotch belt too close to the backrest
  • the seat is not vertical (90 degrees)

Quick folding and unfolding, and very light to add to it. The maneuvering is easy and the weight is really low, good for loading it in the car or even carrying it from the car to the apartment. A niggle of mine would be the crotch belt - it is too close to the backrest so it starts under the child's buttocks. The seat is also not upright, so the little one may slide down from time to time. The belly bar and the adjustable leg rest help in that area.

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