< Stroller

Didiia1993 says:
"We don't bump into the same stroller"
and gives the Moon No. One

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We don't bump into the same stroller

  • unique design
  • small size folded and unfolded
  • crotch strap
  • quite an upright seat back
  • I think I'd fit more things into the basket if it were open
  • cup holder position
  • not the best choice for terrain

I needed something small, so I got the No. 1. Nobody around had it, which I liked - we don't bump into the same stroller (like other mums around us do all the time). It's small, compact, and agile. I just hate the cup holder position - I bumped into doors so many times I eventually broke it 😝

My daughter also seems happy with it. I especially like the crotch strap - my DD is secure even if I don't harness her in. And the seat is quite upright, which I am very grateful for.

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