My Babiie MB51 Katie Piper Believes
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My Babiie MB51 Katie Piper Believes

see 1 parent review

Parent reviews of the My Babiie MB51 Katie Piper Believes

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  • Compact Fold
  • Plush / thick seat fabric
  • Easy to push
  • Folds with bumper bar attached
  • Cosy toes is just a foot cover that clips on over the front of the legs / feet - not a full cosy toes
  • Cup holder spins round easy with drink in
  • Has a larger weight limit for a stroller (22kg), however, doesn’t last for taller toddlers

Gorgeous umbrella stroller that includes a foot cover and rain cover. I found it easy to push around town and to a local park. Bought to take on holiday however, my toddler is quite tall so has outgrown it quickly. Did use the cup holder once however ended in a mess with hot chocolate down the outside of the pram hood.

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