< Stroller

Bert (a father) says:
"If you can find this model on a good or sale price, not bad and recommended"
and gives the Stokke Beat

This is just one of the reviews of the Stokke Beat stroller. Check for more reviews, specifications, or ask our stroller expert: Go to Stokke Beat detail
  • smooth riding on different pavements or surface thanks to sealed bearings on each wheel and they grips well that you can feel it while pushing it
  • secured harness 5points engagement
  • minimalist design
  • foldable and compact enough for storage or putting in you vehicle compartment
  • large and strong bottom basket enough to carry your extra bags or consider it as your cart during shopping/grocery
  • sturdy enough to carry loads, plus our baby (10kg) even has a little flexing on the frame but we consider it as the one that provides load and shock absorber
  • the seat can be set facing front or guardian's side(backward)
  • big canopy
  • not having spring or shock absorber (but for us its fine because we think that frame little flex provides that and so far out baby not bothered even while sleeping), and thanks to the excellent wheels and foam type flatless tires that add the cushion of the whole structure
  • not compact enough to be Aircabin Approved but it's up to you to have this as your daily pushchair for your baby because you can still use this on land travels by folding it and put in your compartment and sleek enough on metro train
  • not having sturdy foot rest on the seat, it has but is not strong as your baby grow, but maybe the foot rest on the front frame will do that if your baby’s legs are long enough to reach at that point
  • not having big or enough air/peekaboo window, it only has small ones and can give your baby a confined space feels like when he/she woke up inside and to deep on reclined flat position

We are using this Stokke Beat for a year and since 0 month of our son and so far its raliable. The seat itself gives our baby security. Knowing we got the stroller as second hand (used) stroller but still good mover for our son. So far it stand well. Note that it's not super compact nor super lightweight like the new models but its easy to fold and almost 8kg enough to carry when folded regardless. If you can find this model on a good or sale price, not bad and recommended.

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