< Stroller

zzzzuz says:
"All in all, I wouldn't change it"
and gives the Stokke Trailz Terrain

This is just one of the reviews of the Stokke Trailz Terrain stroller. Check for more reviews, specifications, or ask our stroller expert: Go to Stokke Trailz Terrain detail

All in all, I wouldn't change it

I use the stroller from September until (currently) March. My son is bigger for his age + we wears a winter footmuff all the time, and I have to say that he fits nicely into the stroller without being cramped or having his legs too squeezed in. So the carrycot, for me, worth of 100 points.

The chassis is also great in terms of the large inflatable wheels, which have also overcome any terrain in the countryside.

The shopping basket has a carrying capacity of up to 10 kg. It has often carried 1-2 bags full of groceries 😊 It's large and really practical.

But what is a minus for me is the little storage. I also didn't avoid scratches, loading it into the car is just a chore. I'm aware that if it was "more compact", it would be at the expense of the wheels or the basket. So I don't really care. But what I do complain about is that I sometimes have a problem with suspension, and it's also not so easy to control the stroller with one hand. But all in all, I wouldn't change it. I use 2 hands all the time anyway 🙌🏻🙃

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