Babylo Bolt
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Babylo Bolt

see 1 parent review

Parent reviews of the Babylo Bolt

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parents say thx^^

Can't complain for the price

  • Good price point
  • Easy to maneuvere
  • Lightweight
  • Easy to fold
  • Suspension could be better

Can't complain for the price. It is lightweight and folds small enough to fit in my car with ease. The suspension could be better but it is perfect for around town and nipping to the shops.

Your questions about the Babylo Bolt


How do l unfold Babylo Bolt stroller ?

Hey, Felly,

As the Bolt is a very classic, simple umbrella style stroller, you need to: 1. unlatch the locking mechanism on its, I believe, right side, and then only 2. open it - pull the handlebars away from the wheels, while the chassis will be getting wider. The whole clicks in place when open, and it should be done.

.eli - 10 Feb 2023

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