< Stroller

Marina says:
"Those beautiful wheels reminded me so much of Mima Zigi! And, of course, the super-easy fold..."
and gives the Chicco Goody

This is just one of the reviews of the Chicco Goody stroller. Check for more reviews, specifications, or ask our stroller expert: Go to Chicco Goody detail
  • wheels!!! (beautiful)
  • that no-effort fold happening pretty much by itself!!!
  • canopy is high up, so even with that short-ish backrest, you WILL fit a taller child
  • weight capacity of 22 kg
  • compact after folding (mainly without the bumper bar)
  • bumper bar included, and it serves as a carry handle as well
  • overall easy manipulation
  • fully-washable textiles
  • PU leather details
  • canopy is quite short and kind of thin
  • backrest could be longer
  • unfolding is not as smooth as the folding - I usually need both of my hands to do it the quickest possible
  • quite long with the bumper bar attached
  • it doesn't lay completely flat, but it is enough for napping
  • basket is way too open in the front for my taste
  • very tall parents might be kicking the rear axle since it is joining the rear wheels (and there's a brake in the middle to add to it)

I actually bought it because of those beautiful wheels - it reminded me so much of Mima Zigi (which I find super beautiful but a bit too expensive for my taste)! And, of course, the super-easy fold... it really folds almost by itself (you just need to "start" it).

I like that the leg rest is not short; on the other hand, I would love the backrest to be a bit longer. For occasional rides and traveling, it should be enough, I believe - we didn't yet have any big problem in that area, but let's see how it will grow with our DD. The higher weight (for this pushchair/buggy category) is balanced with the high, 22kg weight capacity. I don't think, though, that a 22kg child will still fit in the Goody!

It seems like a good(y) buggy for that price, so I would say I can recommend it - mainly if you need an occasional ride and a lot of folding/traveling!

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