
All user reviews of Lonex Julia Baronessa

1 parent reviews
  • spacious bassinet
  • easy to assemble and change wheels
  • chassis suspension with belts
  • large wheels
  • weight of the pram
  • strangely shaped basket for things on the chassis - sometimes pieces of my shopping fall out of it

Great is the large and spacious bassinet and the suspension of the chassis on the straps, when the whole stroller rocks beautifully and the baby is easily put to sleep.

Large wheels - small bumps are dealt with, larger ones are easily went over. We are still struggling with the seat, but I like the rearward facing positioning.

Since the stroller is parked on the ground floor, attached with a lock to the staircase, I wanted a sturdy, slid pram with a big bassinet, but not expensive, so I wouldn't be angry if someone stole it.

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