
All user reviews of MamaKiddies CityKing

1 parent reviews
  • Spacious bassinet
  • Stroller accessories (stroller bag, rain cover, stroller net)
  • Large storage space for shopping
  • Lightweight frame
  • Adjustable footrest
  • Fodls in multiple pieces, cannot be fold in one

We are very satisfied with this stroller. I fell in love with CityKing Paris at first sight. Some people tried to talk me out and said I won't be using the triple set to the fullest, but luckily I didn't take the advice and made my own decision.

The bassinet is roomy, and if it hadn't been cold and needed a foot muff, the little one would have lasted longer in the bassinet. However, that's where the change came in and instead of the bassinet we put him the seat unit.

The big plus is that the seat is that it can be positioned in up to 3 positions - and we took advantage of this, because the baby still didn't sit up on its own when we switched to the pushchair configuration. Now he is 17 months old and still happy in the seat. Someone who doesn't have a large car trunk may be bothered that the stroller can't be folded in one piece, as you have to take the seat off, and then fold the frame.

We have used the car seat for a long time as well.

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